Monday, December 5, 2011

60 seconds

Phie Ambo will participate in this rather cracy event in Tallinn on the 22nd. Each director contributes with a film of 60 seconds, which will be assembled and shown only one time at which event the film will be burnt in front of the audience.....!

Phie explains her motivation for participation like this:
I was hooked when I read that the film would be shown on 35 mm on the waterfront and burnt while playing. What a beautiful tribute to the elements! I really like that this project was invented out of pure joy and has absolutely no market value. This is very rare and wonderfully irrational.
My contribution shows one of corner stones of biodynamic farming - creating organic fertilizer.
If anyone is in Tallinn on that night, please send us a photo or a post card!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Doc Alliance Winner: The Good Life

This Friday at the awards ceremony at CPH:DOX The Good Life won the Doc Alliance award! Eva Mulvad received the award on stage, surprised and very happy.

DOC ALLIANCE SELECTION represents five high-quality films, all first or second feature documentaries by talents discovered by the five Doc Alliance festival partners. The films tour at the five Festivals starting at VISIONS DU REEL Nyon. The five national markets support the films at their festivals and in their theatrical, TV and DVD distribution. At the end of the year an international jury decides about the Doc Alliance Award.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ballroom Dancer - facebook

Ballroom Dancer had its premiere as opening film at CPH:DOX in Copenhagen 1st of November. It will be in competition at the world's biggest documentary festival IDFA in Amsterdam later this month. Please follow all news on the film and see clips, trailer, and stills at

Monday, August 1, 2011

Vores Film i FONA på Strøget!

Nu kan du købe DANISH DOCUMENTARYs skønne film i FONA på Strøget. Du kan bl.a. købe den roste og efterspurgte THE GOOD LIFE af Eva Mulvad!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Home Front in NY

The Home Front by Phie Ambo is selected for DocuWeeks and will be showing in New York 12-18th of August

TheHome Front is about conflicts in our private sphere: feuds between neighbors. The film follows a boundary inspector who mediates between disagreeing neighbors. We enter the homes of the feuding parties to learn about the conflicts from both sides. Why is it so difficult to solve a conflict so close at hand? And what do fences and hedges represent? Is this really what the conflicts are all about?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"The Good Life" at Roskilde Festival 2011

The documentary "The Good Life" is showing at Roskilde Festival 12 'o clock at the 28th of june. “The Good Life” is an entertaining tragi-comic story of glory and fall. But it is also a film about upbringing and overprotection in a family that had it all and ended up with nothing. A dark tale of a mother and daughter who dreamt that they could live happily ever after, but their fate wanted it differently …
We hope you enjoy your festival - and the movie of course.

TV2 og Roskilde Festival viser "The Good Life"

Millionæren der mistede alt

The Good life bliver vist på TV 2 d. 30 juni kl. 22.30. Her har du muligheden for at se dokumentaren i en 40 minutters udgave. Hvis du gerne vil se den fulde udgave af filmen, kan du tage på Roskilde Festival tirsdag d. 28 juni kl. 12, hvor hele filmen bliver vist.
Du er også velkommen til at bestille den på vores webshop.
Filmen er en film om opdragelse, forkælelse og fortrængninger i en familie, der havde alt og endte med intet. Et sort eventyr om en mor og en datter, der drømte om at leve lykkeligt til deres dages ende, men skæbnen ville det anderledes….
Vi glæder os til at vise dig den.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Gambler på DR 2

Den 25 juli klokken 22.50 genudsender DR 2 Documania "The Gambler" af Phie Ambo.
Gå ikke glip af dokumentarfilmen der kommer helt tæt på Nicolas Winding Refn. Hvad sker der, når en af dansk films mest roste debutanter pludselig står med en gæld på 5 millioner og må kæmpe sig tilbage til filmkroner og anerkendelse?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Congratulations to Refn!

Nicolas Winding Refn won the prize for best director in Cannes with 'Drive' tonight. If you haven't seen the documentary about him yet - now's the time!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love Addict world premiere

On Wednesday the 6th of April at 7pm, Pernille Rose Groenkjaer's brand new feature documentary, LOVE ADDICT will premiere simultaneously in 40 cinemas throughout Denmark. The entire creative team behind the film will be present in Grand Teatret in Copenhagen, and after the screening, the director will take the stage and participate in a debate about the film and the phenomenon of love addiction. The debate will be live streamed in all 40 cinemas, and everyone has a chance to participate and ask questions to Pernille via SMS. For cinema tickets, please contact your local cinema and for more information about the event and the film, check out DOX:BIO or our Facebook event.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Good Life on dvd

You can now pre-order The Good Life dvds from our shop. We'll ship it to you as soon as it's no longer screening in Danish cinemas, probably around April 1st.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Good Life cinema release

On the 2nd of February 2011, Eva Mulvad's feature length documentary film The Good Life will premiere in 40 cinemas across Denmark. The team behind the film will all be present in Grand Teatret in Copenhagen for the screening at 7pm, and Eva will be ready for an onstage interview, streamed directly to all the other cinema venues. For tickets, please visit Grand or another cinema near you. For more detailed information about the event and a full list of participating cinemas, please check out DOX:BIO

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Phie Ambo and Maia Saabye Christensen research on a documentary film in India

Starting her work within documentary filmmaking in the Asian based Drokpa Movies in year 2000,Maia Saabye Christensen has directed and produced documentaries for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida, Save the Children, Unicef and other international and national aid-organisations. Starting out as a field-documentary filmmaker, Maia has complemented her hands-on origination with a tailor made study of master classes at the Short- and Documentary Film School by the Danish Film Studios. Holding a diploma degree within communication from Copenhagen Business School, Maias interest lies in the sociological and philosophical aspects of life and she holds an anthropological kind of know-how on the grounds of mind-sciences through 25 years of study of tibetan buddhist philosophy and associated sciences of brain behavioral research on the effects of meditation and mindfulness.

Currently Maia is working as foreign shoot assistant for Phie Ambo on Free the Mind, a film about the work of world leading brain scientist Richard Davidson and his research on the effects of meditation, and they is simultaneously researching on another film project set in India, together with execute producer Henrik Keith Hansen.